Can I Buy an Image?
Images are for Sale from this site for personal use to be printed and displayed as a single image. 
Personal use includes a single display in a corporate, commercial or business office context.  Multiple use of the images for promotional or other purposes are covered by a license arrangement.
If you would like to 'license' an image, this option is available from my Greg McMillan Picfair Website. If you do not see an image on this site you would like to license, email me and I will add it for you.
To buy an image in this website, open the image and click on the 'shopping basket' icon at the bottom of the page.  There is a standard price to download the image file and you organise the print yourself. 
If you would like me to provide a quote for printing on art paper, canvas or other print options, then email me with your preferences stating the image name, image size and crop ratio that you would like. I will then respond with a quote for the image. If you are uncertain email me and I can discuss options with you
If you see an image on another site such as Instagram or Facebook that I have taken, and you would like a copy for personal or professional use, also email me with your request.
Nature images with (W) are images taken outside of any zoo or sanctuary.
Respect the World, Love Life
Greg McMillan
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